Tutorial // BOSS GT-1000 // RC-505// Setting Delay Time and Delay Feedback

LAS VEGAS, NV - Earlier in the summer I was hanging out with a few musician friends after a show in less-than-savory place with questionable late night company located in an area of town not suited for high society and we started talking about Youtube tutorials and how many of them....quite frankly....suck. Thirty minutes to explain how to tune a guitar? A three part series on how to turn on your new piece of gear?
C'mon man.....
Ask anyone who has ever studied under me they will tell you the same. Teaching to me is a streetfight. How fast can you get that person either on the ground or away from you before you can run away? In this case: How fast can I have you understand something and apply it to your own craft?
That said, the difference between Delay Time and Delay Feedback is subtle, but as subtle as they difference is, understanding their individual function can make huge differences to your art....and open creative avenues that are waiting to be discovered.
Delay Time
Delay time is when they delay repeats. Many musicians will have delay pedals set to milliseconds. A short delay would be something like 100ms, and if you had another delay for your longer stuff....maybe 600ms.
However, if you want to get super accurate with your delays, you can always MIDI Sync your multi effects pedals. MIDI Sync is having one pedal serve as a master (i.e. time clock) and the effect serves as a slave. This is how I personally have run every vocal looping rig I've used.
Delay Feedback
Delay Feedback is how long the delay keeps ringing. Meaning if you want the delays to keep going and going, turn that Feedback know to 100 or 80 or even 70. If you want the delay to hit then go away quicker, than try 30 or 20.
On every piece of BOSS gear I've worked on, the feedback knob/button always serves this function.
Oh and to save any artists out their getting their feet wet for the first time on this stuff....the feedback knob has zero to do with 'feedback' on your instrument and/or mic. Like a feedback loop. If you're wanting to kill feedback, take a look at your EQ's, Noise Suppressors and postioning of your monitors onstage.
So take a peek at the video below, see if that works for you. If you have questions, comments or concerns, hit me up. Heck, if you have an easier way, let me know! I'm all ears.
Happy practicing everybody....see ya onstage.
Just Alliance
Las Vegas, NV
Sept 2019